Sneak Peak: Campaign Management Board

Here is the Campaign Management Board! This is how you manage and track your progress through the campaign. Along the top you have the various buildings available to be built for your siege camp, and as you construct them you remove the tile to show the building. As you play the siege camp comes to life! Below that you have the various idle tasks your Heroes can perform. Idle tasks are what your Heroes can do that you did not choose for the current mission. Each Hero has a specialized task they can perform, such as the Alchemist Jib Job brewing up a potion! Additionally, as you unlock more of the buildings in the siege camp, you can perform additional tasks such as having a Hero train in the Barracks to gain additional Exp, or using the Blacksmith to improve their equipment. 

For ease of tracking, each Hero has a class ID token that goes in their assigned slot. If they are performing an idle task, simply move their token into the appropriate slot. If they have been selected for a mission, you move their token into the Initiative Tracker for the duration of the mission. We will show that in a future preview but it makes tracking the order the heroes and monsters activate in very easy, as well as tracking the turns!

As you can see to the side we have the tokens for tracking things like turn, morale, etc. There's more to go over but hopefully that gives you an idea of how this part of Blood Throne plays.


Sneak Peak: Monster Cards


The Blood Throne Campaign Map!