Sneak Peak: Pledge Levels and Fulfillment

Today we will take a sneak peak at pledge level packages and our plan to fulfill the project in a timely manner. 

Why Back During the Kickstarter?

The game and both expansions we will have in the Kickstarter will be available at discounted prices compared to the retail price point the products will sell at after the Kickstarter period. We will be offering the core game, Blood Throne: The Tower of Sacrifice, and two expansions plus some fun extras which we will dive into in a future email. The first expansion, called the Ghorgantus Expansion, bringing a HUGE boss monster to the game that is absolutely amazing. He brings multiple additional missions to the campaign that are challenging and a ton of fun. We will feature this awesome model in his own post, soon!

The second expansion pledge level, the Hero Expansion, will add twelve new heroes and two more pets. It will also contain the Blood Throne Handbook, which will deep dive into the lore of the game, plus provide extensive rules on making your own custom heroes and monsters, rules for thrilling PvP game modes, killer art as well as another campaign! We will dive more into that in time, but it is a massive addition to the game,

In the Kickstarter we will offer packages that give you the core game plus either or both of the expansions that will be discounted over buying them individually. We will also have an all in pledge level that gives you everything plus some fun extras, again at a discounted price. We'll dig into this more in a future email. 

Early Bird Pledge Levels

We will have a limited number of early bird pledge levels that will be even further discounted over the already discounted Kickstarter price points! You will want to jump on these right away if you are interested in Blood Throne as we anticipate they will sell quickly.

Fulfillment and Timelines

Our objective is to begin production as soon as possible once the Pledge Manager period ends, which runs after the Kickstarter. We have taken great pains to map out our plan to fulfill the project on time, as we know how frustrating it can be to wait for ages on a Kickstarter product. We aim to be shipping the first wave of orders and have the core game and first expansion in backer's hands by the end of 2024. Of course as this is our first game things will come up we didn't anticipate, but as the game is essentially done in regards to development we feel confident we will be able to deliver. If anything comes up to delay our timelines we will clearly communicate what is going on to backers to keep everyone looped in. The Hero Expansion will ship later as the molds for that portion of the project will be made after the first set of molds for the core game and Ghorgantus Expansion. We anticipate those first set of molds will be finished shortly after the Kickstarter concludes. For clarity in case the language is unfamiliar, the molds are what are used to cast the miniatures and are the most expensive and time consuming portion of making a board game like this. Having that most complex portion of the project well underway gives us confidence that we can stick to our timelines. Thanks for reading!

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Making the Game: From Concept to Kickstarter Ep. 3


Sneak Peak: Box Contents