Updated International Shipping Rates!

Hey everyone, we have been working nonstop behind the scenes to find a solution to international shipping rates and wanted to let you all know that we have decided to work with local distributors to help ease the shipping and tax burdens vs. shipping from our warehouse in the USA as was our original plan. What this means is the import fees will be frontloaded and the shipping will be domestic for you (or as close as we could get depending on your country, obviously we can't distribute out of EVERY country) so it will result in more reasonable rates. The new chart on the campaign page shows what we believe will be pretty dang close to the shipping and taxes actual cost.

What this means for us is a higher risk as we will be shipping freight to each location and have product in distribution facilities. So if you all could be so kind as to please help spread the word to offset that investment for us, we would be massively appreciative. Obviously none of you owe us anything, in fact we owe you a great game, but we are willing to make the additional investment in order to show you all we are in this for the long term and want to get this game we are so proud of in to your hands at a fair price and build a vibrant community around it. Any assistance in getting the word out would be really amazing!

For EU customers, we are still working out the specifics on VAT as it is a more complex scenario there but we should have that finalized very soon.

If anyone has any questions, please let me know! Thanks for your support and feedback, it helps us to improve.

Click here to see the updated shipping rates: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bloodthrone/blood-throne-the-tower-of-sacrifice


More Molds Finished and General Update
